Arclight Bowls News

Arclight Club  News 2024

Friday 31 May 2024

Congratulations to our Senior Fours Men's team, Peter Leatherdale, Neil Crockford, Nigel Holt and Ian Norman who have got through to the County semi-finals against Richard Gunn, which will be played at Essex County Bowls Club on 13 July.

Good luck

Thursday 30 May 2024

In the County Ladies Pairs, Pat Holt and Jane Boucher had an excellent run of wins to reach the Area Final, which was played on 30 May. The final against a pair of bowlers from Braintree Bowls Club, turned out to be a very close game with the final score being Arclight 14 Braintree 16.

Pat and Jane bowled very well throughout this competition and were so close to going through to the all Essex Final.

Well done

Saturday 25 May 2024

Our ladies team took part in the County Top Club competition against Holland-on-sea. It was a very close game with each club winning on 2 rinks. The final result for the match was decided on shots which put Holland-on-sea into the next round.

Well played, a great game.

Arclight held our Bowls England Big Bowls Day, which was played on our green alongside the ladies Top Club competition.

We had a steady flow of people wishing to try their hand at bowls.

We already have a number of people who have applied to join our club and it is quite likely that more will join over the next few weeks.

We would like to welcome everyone who has joined our club. We hope that you will enjoy playing bowls at Arclight.


Links to other useful websites

Sunday 12 May 2024

We held our free taster sessions for potential new bowlers. The weather was absolutely wonderful with lots of warm sunshine. Those who attended enjoyed trying their hand at bowling. We are anticipating that a number of those who attended will sign up as members of our club.

Saturday 20 April 2024

Our green opened for the 2024 season. A great afternoon's bowling was enjoyed by our club members, even if the weather was a little changeable.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Arclight Raiders Team wins the 2024

Fiducia Wealth Indoor/Outdoor Competition.

A tense and thrilling final was played out against Braintree that resulted in a win for Arclight by 5 shots. The match consisted of games of pairs, triples and fours. The final score being 51-46.

A great result.

Well done Arclight

Team Players

Liz Tunn, Karen Leatherdale

Peter Leatherdale, Andy Smith, Loraine Daden, Sue Yates, Gill Cousins, Jill Nicholson, John Dodshon

"I would like to say well done to all the players who won the indoor/outdoor competition for Arclight Raiders. That’s not just those who played in the final but our squad players Mick Stone, Pauline Head, Brian Yates and John Haden. It was a superb performance over the last few weeks.

Thanks also to the supporters.

We are champions two years in a row what chance of a hat-trick next year?"

Peter Leatherdale

Team Captain